Accidentally Bought TWO FRIDGES!!
I just read a blogpost from a fellow blogger, Mbak Millati Indah, about her experience shopping in Amazon, where she cancelled her transaction but she still received the stuff. The next day which is yesterday, a dramatic shopping experience also happened to me. But not in the same way.
Because no furnitures provided in my apartment, so I need to buy my own. And since I will only live in this house for six months, I only want to buy essential stuff that I really-really need. One of stuff, I need most is fridge, so I decided to buy fridge.
I used for shopping, and so good because they offer free shipping and sometimes you can receive the items you buy on the next day. I bought curtain and light fixture on my first attempt to shop at And yesterday morning, I tried to buy a 46 L fridge.
Around 5 pm, I was walking home and I checked my e-mail. There was an notification e-mail that my fridge has been forwarded to courier service.
But... wait! Why did Amazon send me two e-mails? The first one was at 16.59 and the second one 17.10.
And the order number is different!
I scrolled my e-mail to see the what I bought in the morning... and yes, I accidentally bought two same fridges. The first notification e-mail was in English and the second one was in Japanese but they have totally different order number. And the second e-mail was sent me only 3 minutes after the first one.
After arrived at home, I opened my computer and asked for cancellation. But it was too late, since the fridges already were handled by the courier service. So I need to return the fridge and manage by myself but I don't need to worry since Amazon clearly explained how to return the stuff. What's the problem is the fridge is big stuff, hahaha. Need to arrange for pickup service. Troublesome!!! Lucky I only bought small fridge weighing 17 kg.
I tried to think how come this can be happened. So my conclusion was... so at first my language setting was in English, and then I tried to buy and click 'Place your Order'. And then I changed the setting to Japanese, in case there is a different translation. Because before there is a word 'address' but when I changed to Japanese setting, it's e-mail address, not home address. So I just want to see, in case they had like different word or translation.
After I changed to Japanese, there is a button which written, 'continue to next'. And the order finished! I never think after I clicked 'Place your Order' means I paid already. Then I bought again when I used Japanese setting. I don't know why I didn't check my e-mail after this purchase, most of the time I check e-mail.
Just not lucky.
Finally! Today, they arrived!
Tomorrow, I need to take care to send back this stuff T_____T
More money...
I bought this free shipping though, ended up need to pay shipping fee. Hahaha...
Using, so easy and convenient. I'm using credit card to pay and I don't even need to type the CVV number or a code that coming on the phone. But next time, I will always check the e-mail notifications thoroughly.
dodolan panganan ae lek ngunu, Un. Khan butuh kulkas ekstra. hahahahahaha... *saran gak faedah *postingan inggris komenan boso jowo. hahahahahaha
BalasHapusWis tak balekke kulkase, hahaha...
HapusWaduh ini kenapa ya? Aku juga beli komik dari amazon jp dan beneran kebeli 2x. Tp untungnya aku langsung tau. Gara2 terlalu excited nyobain beli komik pertama kali dari amazon JP. Jadinya semangat cek notifikasi mulu. Gimana nasib kulkasnya mba? Apa disana ada semacem tokped biar bisa dijual?
BalasHapusBtw lagi di Kyoto ya? Post more photos donk mba. Suka sama Kyoto hahahah :D
Udah aku balikin ke Amazonnya, dan free ongkir, hahaha. Iya tinggal di Kyoto sekarang.
HapusWih, dapet backlink dari Una :)
BalasHapusMahal nggak itu ongkir buat balikin? 17 kilo gitu.
Mahalll! Tapi jadnya gratis...
HapusYa ampun. Kalau di sini salah beli dijual aja lagi kali ya sama tetangga, hahaha
BalasHapusObat dari produk ini sangat bermanfaat sekali dan sudah terbukti hasilnya. Jangan lupa kunjungi juga situs kami Roket4D