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My Plushies, My Silly Friends, and I

Hi, Mbak Gogo!
I want you to see a little part of my world.

Currently am in my third year as a university student.
Well, I won't talk about my school life.
But, I want to show you about a part of little pieces of my life: my plushies and silly friends.

First, I suggest Mbak Gogo to see my plushstories. You can click here.
've Mbak Gogo seen?
I love playing with my plushies,
and my aunt said to me, "You're already an adult, but you play with your plushies like a baby."
I only answered, "Like I care, wleeek."
I stuck out my tongue.

So let me introduce my beloved plushies.

Above: Shaun, Kepiko, Shirley
Below: Big Shirley (in plushstories I named her Shirloy), Kepika

Second, I want to tell you that I have two silly friends named Kartika and Aji.
They are my school friends.
Why did I put 'silly' before 'friends' word?
Because they are really silly.
Check below.

If they were not silly, they wouldn't write like that in my notebook T.T

Third, I want to tell you a story how did I find your blog.
A couple of month ago, you visited me here.
And left a comment in post comments.
When I wanted to visit you back, I couldn't access your blogger profile.
"Profile Not Available," said the page.
Then I googled: Gogo Caroselle.
Then I found your blog.

After that,
you left a comment in my shoutbox.
I don't remember much what you and I exactly wrote.
But it was like, "Salam kenal. Aku bawa kelengkeng untuk teman baru."
And I answered in your shoutbox, "Salam kenal juga. Kok kelengkengnya busuk sih?"
You left a comment again, "Wah wah, baru kenal udah suudzon. Itu metik sendiri."

Though I seldom put comments in your posts.
But, I sometimes visit your blog.
Sometimes, I don't understand what you wrote in your post.
Because of my-very-bad english.
But I saw two of your videos.
Your posts about garage sale.
And your... hmmm, award or... hmmm.
Best employee award? I forgot.

That's all my story. Thank you for reading Mbak Gogo.
From your photos and videos, I knew that youuu are veryyy beautifulll...
Like meee.
*please don't puke*


Hah hah hah...
Capeeek nulis pake Englishhh T.T
Maaf banyak salah. Grammar tenses dan apalah itu.
Sekian dulu ya mbak.
Bye bye. ^^

Una and the Sheep. 

PS. (I just knew that 'Sheep' is also the plural form of 'sheep')

92 komentar untuk "My Plushies, My Silly Friends, and I"

  1. Mbak gogo itu siapa mbak una?? :D

  2. Ahah, ceritanya buat aku geli. Apa lagi yang ada di ujung 'i knew you're very beautyful. Like me'

  3. opo iki artine? mbok ditranslate donk ah...

  4. Boneka shaun the sheepnya tante una banyak banget :O

    sedja kemarin hampir dibeliin sama papa, tapi karena sedja takut sama shaun the sheep jadinya gak jadi dibeliin deh ;D

    kapan2 klo sedja main ke rumahnya tante una, sheepnya disembunyiin dulu yaa..biar sedja gak nangis ;D

  5. kalo di lihat dari gambar2 nya, sepertinya postingan ini lagi nyeritain sodara-sodaranya, sama temen2ya deh, betul kan ???

    salamin ya sama mba Gogo nya :D

  6. wah mantap sekali una. walopun saya kurang mengerti surat ini ditujukan untuk siapa.

  7. hey, this is cool XD
    specially for the page of book!! nice picture, wonderful note =P

    *lagi inggris mode on nih unaa :D *cling

  8. Una, itu Gogo Mbak apa Mas?? ayo ngaku ayo ngakuuu :p

  9. @HEЯRY Liat aja, udah tak kasih link. :)

  10. Balasan
    1. Wew, ah... Una. Geli bukan karna di garukin yah? #Tingdong.

  11. @Adek Sedja IHHHH! Shaun the Sheep itu lucuuuu! Beliin buat aku aja, Sedja...

  12. @Stupid monkey Iya. Sodara-sodara saya. Yang kambing semua itu...

  13. @.:diah:. Di Kendari 'mbak' itu buat laki-laki yah? Hahahhaa, perempuan laaah!

  14. @Lidya - Mama Pascal Kenalan dulu... kita sama sama menang di kontes pakde mbak ;)

  15. na, itu fotomuuu?? O_o
    dan aku ga ngerti arti englishnya, hihihi XD

  16. oalah, ikutan GA to, na? :p
    sukses yaaaaaa :*

  17. @Una

    ekeke.. eh, menang kontesnya pakdhe ya? ciyee. slamat ;)

  18. mbok gawe postingan nganggo basa jowo ae to un....hehehe...
    eh, itu kartika sama aji ketularan virus plushstories juga to...?

  19. salam buat mbek-nya...mau dong satu

  20. @Mami Zidane Hahahaha, kapan kapan tak gawenya...

  21. jadi pengen postingan bahasa inggris hehe..

    yah, walaupun kita udah dewasa, ada kala sisi anak2 ga pernah lepas dari kita...

    ya ya ya kita just human..

  22. biar capek deh.

    tp gw tetep cinte mati ama plushstories mu Un...

  23. mbuh wes gk mudeng.. cuma mo tanya, itu buku tulis ampe yang ada gambar shaun the sheep nya juga na?? ckckckckc, kereeeen.. ampe segitu cintanya..

  24. UnUnnnnn omg you are soooo cuteee, just like Kepikaaa hihi!

    Daaan kamu ga harus nulis pake bahasa inggris buat ikut giveaway bebiih hihi... But thank you for joining the giveaway yaa.. mwah mwah mwahhh...

    And your silly friends are indeed silly, aku ketawa2 liat tulisan2nya hihi!

    Kisskiss to the beautiful girl!

  25. una itu foto kamu? kok aku ga percaya seh? ahahahaha... cuantiiik (fitnah)

    sukses na GA-nyaaa, klo menang c kepika buat aku yak :D

  26. Waratte wkwkwkwkwk
    heh. . .unyu2 keroppi lah

  27. Mmmm
    komen apa ya ...
    oya itu .. plush story model barunya keren

    #habis Una pake English, gelagapan deh#

  28. no no no.... your english is better than me... if you write in english then, i'm sure your englis is so good and fluently.... :D

    i like this story... ^^

  29. Ha Na Ca Ra Ka
    Hi Ni Ci Ri Ki
    Ho No Co Ro Ko

    Hu Na Ca Ri Ke

  30. kelengkengnya masih ada gak? Kapan-kapan mau minta tlg translate boso jowo ke Inggris ya...:D

  31. Kamyu, talking about apaan sih Na ?

    Gambar atas, Shirley jadi Una
    Gambar bawah, Shaun jadi Una
    Nggak nyambung....

    Iku sing dipangan Shaun dudu oreo, tapi bakpao.... :(

  32. iRemember when i said, "Shaun 'n The Sheeps." than u talked to me that 'em stupid! 'n Now u use the sentence, "Una 'n The Sheeps." So what? Why, Na? Why? Do u know the mean of "Why" ? bhahaha

  33. Perempuan dalam cermin ituuu, mengingatkanku pada......
    *eh... Sory Tante...

  34. waduh, bahasa inggris semua *bukakamus
    Hmm.. ane udah liat mbak gogonya lho kak .. cakeep juga ya
    salamin ya ..

  35. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh administrator blog.

  36. @Unaenak ya, punya sodara kambing, pasti seru deh, bisa embe-embean :p

  37. hihihi...
    lucu liat sheep2 itu... :P

  38. una di foto terakhir kaya cowo ih... ahhaha

    by the way your english is good! masih bisa di pahami... hahahaha...

  39. wah, mbak..
    keren lho pakek postingan bahasa inggris..

  40. loooo maaf mbak...kalau ada komenku yang ngawur...
    padahal ngak ada ngetik heeeee

    Heee lagi keranjingan afikaaaaaaaa...english jauh lebih bagus dari saya, heee...ngak apa mbak...meskipun sudah tahun ke-3, kalau masih suka dg mainannya sah2 aja, asal kalau ada pacar lagi ngapelin jangan dibawa entar dia cemburu heee

  41. @dhenok habibie Gak mudeng tapi Bahasa Inggris 5 dapet A. Iyaa dong~ bagus yah bukunya~

  42. @Gogo Caroselle Ahahaha dibilang cute sama Mbak Gogo.
    Aku sengaja pake Inggris :p

  43. @Mugniar Aku aja nulis englishnya juga gelagapan mbak...

  44. @1mmanuel'Z-Note5 Ahahaha no no. I can not lor speaking english berry-berry good. Anyway thanks ya~

  45. @Samaranji Mbuh talking apaan.
    Emang nggak nyambung. Bukan cerita kok.
    Dudu, tempe bacem.

  46. @eksak NOOOO! The true one is Shaun The Sheep. Not Shaun and The Sheep.

  47. @Samaranji Yap. Kaca yang sama. Beda kamera. Beda tahun jepretnya.

  48. @Syifa Azz Temen akuuu yang korban iklan @_@

  49. @EYSurbakti Jiahhh. Mehehehe? Kok kayak kambing?

  50. @TOMKUU Hahaha, enak ajaaa @_@
    Hihi bagus laaah setidaknya pada paham. :D

  51. @Budi Arnaya Jiahhh kenapa melu melu @_@

    Wkwkwk, gak punyaaa pacaaar bliii~

  52. Is it a GA, Na? Mbak Gogo? But she doesn't apply her profil! Mysterious blogger, is that true?

  53. @eksak yes. giveaways. no. if she was mysterious, she wouldve not uploaded her videos and photos in her blog.

  54. wah cantik2 semua. apalagi sherly

  55. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  56. than, can i join the GA? 'n how are terms? she had a privacy for her profil. not all people can see it. ;(

  57. @eksak Yeah of course you can. Just check the terms on her blog: intogogo.blogspot.com.

  58. itu fotonya mbak una ya?foto kapan tu...

  59. ane i dont no what what dah, tentang postingan ini. keke
    tapi bagus tuh fotonya buram buram kertas

  60. @Una padahal kuwi mau wes tak jenengi megane ouji wi. . .kok dadine anonim yo. . .

  61. Aku sih nggak begitu paham betul tentang grammar. Tapi ngerti dikit sih maksudnya. Itu gambarnya gimana kok bisa nempel di kertas. Ada tulisannya lagi, "una kan keren". Penggemar shaun the sheep ya sob.
    Yang kocak lagi, aku bawain oleh2 kelengkeng itu loh. Kok kelengkengnya busuk semua. Jangan suudzon, itu yang metik sendiri.
    Bener metik sendiri, tapi yang di petik yang busuk doang. Ha...ha...

  62. like I care :p

    bahasa Inggrismu lebih keren daripada punyaku --'


  63. foto yg paling bawah tuh imut bgt deh.. hihi.. :D

  64. wahhh yang bener mbak una yang sherli atau yang shaun ya di diari itu -

    pertama didorong dorong "sherly" <---- una
    trus mau di potong "sherly" <---- una
    tru makan kue "shaun" <--- una pula

    tapi kalau mba una seorang wanita berart sherli yooo d(^o^")

  65. Asik...
    Bonekanya minta satuuuu...

  66. @Una

    hahaha, sedja itu ndak tau kenapa takut sama shaun the sheep ;D

    eh bukan cuma shaun the sheep, pokoknya sama boneka yang banyak warna hitam atau putihnya.

    Boneka yang paling dia suka yaa bonekanya yg di rumah itu, beruang kecil..namanya Pompom ;D
